services / Kubernetes / ServiceAccounts

A Kubernetes service account is a machine identity for Kubernetes workloads. It provides an authentication mechanism for applications and processes running within a Kubernetes cluster. Service accounts are primarily used to authenticate requests made to the Kubernetes API server.

Each service account has a unique token associated with it, which is used to authenticate requests. This token is automatically mounted as a secret within the container running the workload, and workloads (such as Pods) use it to authenticate against the Kubernetes API server. The token is a long-lived token, however, it is re-created each time the Pods are re-created. Service accounts may also hold an `imagePullSecret` object used to authenticate against a container image repository.


Allows sending a TokenRequest to the API server. This request issues a new token and binds the token to a service account. The token is also returned to the caller, allowing it to act as the service account bound to that token.



This privilege may grant access to sensitive data from a significant fraction of organizational functions, allow interruption of critical organizational services, or its exploit could lead to significant privilege escalation.


  • https:​/​/​kubernetes.​io/​docs/​tasks/​configure-​pod-​container/​configure-​service-​account
  • https:​/​/​kubernetes.​io/​docs/​reference/​generated/​kubernetes-​api/​v1.​26/​#​tokenrequestspec-​v1-​authentication-​k8s-​io
  • https:​/​/​securitylabs.​datadoghq.​com/​articles/​kubernetes-​tokenrequest-​api/​
  • Contributed by P0 Security

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